martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Deploying Tsung in a Cluster

Tsung is a load testing tool that allows you to simulate heavy loads of users. Installing it in a single node, its an easy task. However, when the load achieved by a single node its not enough for testing purposes, then it is necessary to deploy Tsung in different nodes, which makes the process a bit complicated.

This post attempts to explain you, how to deploy Tsung in multiple nodes (3 nodes). 1 controller and 2 secondary nodes. Notice that the controller manages/collects the information of the whole simulation process.

Configuration file huberflores_example.conf

How to Bundle an Amazon Instance (instance store)

A detailed tutorial for bundling an Amazon instance.

This is a working document. If there are any errors, or if you disagree with anything which I have said, or have any suggestions for improvements please email me